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Cell Size & Granularity

Cell Size and Granularity

Using Flow Cytometry one can determine relative size of cells or events using a known control. Using the FSC and SSC parameters one can look at a mix of cells and distinguish them from one another based off of size and internal complexity.


Cell Size Using Flow Cytometry

Along the X-axis is the FSC(Forward SCatter) parameter. This parameter is a measurement of the amount of the laser beam that passes around the cell. This gives a relative size for the cell. If one uses a known control or standard such as beads with a known size, one can determine the relative size of the cells based on the size of the control or standard.

Along the Y-axis is the SSC(Side SCatter) parameter. This parameter is a measurement of the amount of the laser beam that bounces off of particulates inside of the cell. Any laser light of the same wavelength of the laser(488nm) that bounces off of things inside the cell is collected and recorded as SSC.

Using a bead of known size one can determine the size of a population based on the FSC parameters.