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Surface Proteins

Studying Surface Protein Expression Using Flow Cytometry

Using flow cytometry an investigator can study cell surface proteins using an antibody against the protein of interest attached to a fluorescent molecule. Our flow cytometer can measure up to six colors at a time, allowing for the investigator to distinguish between different cell types in a population using the different colors for different markers. Here are the results from a lymphocyte subset:


From this experiment you can see the percentages of T helper, T cytotoxic/suppresor, B cells, and NK cells in a lymphocyte population. Using flow cytometry an investigator can study any cell type with a certain protein located on its surface. Apoptosis, clinical, and stem cells are just a few of the many types of studies that can be done using surface proteins with flow cytometry.

Additional Information:

• BD FACS Canto Flow Cytometer page

• Flow Cytometer Instructions