BD Accuri C6 Student Flow Cytometer - RIC Facility Skip to main content

BD Accuri C6 Student Flow Cytometer

Independent use:
- $8.93 /15min
- $149.91 (4+hr /week)
- $443.03 (12.5+hr /month)

Tech use:
- $16.50 /15min
- $264 (4+hr /week)
- $818.40 (12.5+hr /month)


The BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer is easy to use and allows student access to the science of flow cytometry. The C6 uses two lasers, red and blue, to record events and has 4 fluorescence channels for a wide range of fluorescence detection.


Professors can request their students to be trained on the Accuri Student Cytometer by sending an email to Sandra Hope. The training process happens in 2, 1 hour classes with Dr. Hope and provides basic information to begin using the cytometer.

The software is easy to use and can be downloaded to any BYU computer or personal Windows computer free of charge. Just ask the technician for download of the software.

More Accuri info.pdf

Tutorial on Using the Accuri Cytometer:

Troubleshooting for the Accuri Cytometer:


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Accuri Training Powerpoint Download

Accuri User's Guide Manuel Download